Sunday, June 7, 2009


Giia's stylish neckpieces evoke the images of catwalks and high fashion runways.

The works of this Italian designer is another example of what polymer clay could be. She uses felt and fabric in these designs, but don't you see them made in polymer clay?!


  1. Oh yes, I could easily see these made in clay. But I would like them much better with a little more color I think. They seem almost too understated and need something to make them "pop". Just my opinion.

  2. They did look like fiber work to me, only because I have dabbled in that. To imagine that in pc, well, first I think, Oy, what a headache! The weight :) I think a lot of ultra light would be called for here or other very light weight armatures for something that large. Number 2 would not be as hard to replicate as 1 and 3 though. But cool ideas Eugena!


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